Feels Natural With Your Hair ?
Hair is such an important part of our body which not only decides our overall appearance but also protects our underline skin. However, most of us doing things daily which damage our hair which may lead to excessive hair loss, dandruff, premature hair, and much more. I comprehensively share with you what to do or what not to do to get those ever-flowing long-lashes thick hair.
5 Worst Hair Care Habits:
1. Harsh chemicals in your products.
Have ever gone through the ingredients list of your shampoo, conditioner, or even the hair oil that you have using? Unfortunately, the most band making hair products which have to many harsh chemicals which might provide short term shine but in the long term its damages the hair. Always go for hair products that are free from sulfate, parabens, mineral oil, artificial fragrances, and synthetic colors. Another way is to abstain from using to many products or if you do, wash them off before going to sleep at night.
2. Not Oiling Your Hair.
We youngsters these days avoid oiling our hair, never do this mistake! Oiling the hair has multi-dimensional benefits but you need to do it in the right way. If you have an oily scalp, apply oil 1 to 2 times a week is good info and if you have a dry hair consider oiling 3 to 4 times a week and for a dry scalp prefer oiling at night, let it be nourished overnight and for oily hair 1 to 2 hours before the wash. Using a little bit of warm oil and gently massaging the scalp in a circular motion, instantly improve the blood circulation moreover the oil that you use makes a huge impact, if you are using perfume hair oil they will do more harm then good, always use hundred percent natural oils. Coconut oil suits all hair types, or you maybe try our KTC Pure Coconut Oil.
3. Combing Wet Hair.
Hair is most venerable when they are wet. Whenever you are out of the shower, let your hair dry and then comb. Combing wet hair makes the hair brittle which leads to breakage. Also do not vigorously rub the wet hair with a towel, always gently dab to dry them out. Some people may go to sleep at night with wet hair, they should be avoided.
4. Excessive Heat.
- Do not blow-dry your hair daily.
- Do not use straighteners to straighten your hair, once a while is okay but do not make a habit.
- No doubt Vitamin-D promotes hair growth but excessive UV rays of sun suck the much-needed moisture makes the hair dry and freezy.
5. Stress!
Excessive use of Social Media, Heavy Workload, Pressure of Exams, Emotional Turmoil are Some of the common reasons for increased stress levels. Give yourself break, Be with yourself, Enjoy nature, it helps a lot.
5 Best Hair Care Habits:
1. Balayam (yoga)
The word balayam comes from the Sanskrit language says Bal + vyayam, it's mean to be Exercise of hair. All you need to do is rub your nails 5 to 10 minutes daily. The nerves below the nails are directly connected to scalps, regular nail rubbing stimulates blood flow and oxygen to the scalps. Balayam not only stimulates blood flow but also reversing pre-mature grey hair. Just one thing to keep in mind, always do balayam in an empty stomach.
2. Nutrient Deficiency.
If the body is devoid of nutrition, one thing it can afford to lose is hair. The body thinks that it can survive without a single hair on the head, so it stops making hair and starts taking care of other vital organs. Regular consumption of fast food, cold drinks, and packed juices the part of every teenager's diet, this should be controlled. Hair strands are made of protein, so you should include the daily dose of protein in the diet. Pulses, Lentils, eggs, chicken, and fish are all high in protein.Omega-3 rich food like almonds, cashews, walnuts, and flaxseed should also be a part of the daily diet. Green leafy vegetables, amla, lemon, oats, millets are also recommended for better hair.
3. Body Massage.
Body massage and hair what's the connection? Well, the connection is deep and mostly neglected. Body massage not only improves the blood circulation but also balances the Vaat-Dosha which according to Ayurveda the major cause of hair loss. Regularly faces digestive issues, bloating or gas then you are bound to lose the hair. one of the most effective ways to release the excess gas from the body and balanced the vaat-dosha is body massage. however, most people massage their bodies in the wrong way, while massaging hand movement should be in the direction of the heart. For example: If you are massaging neck hand move should be in a downwards and if you are massage hands and legs it should be upwards. Massage your body with coconut oil 1-2 times a week and you will be amazed to see the result on your head.
4. Healthy Lifestyle Routine.
- Do not wash your hair too often,1 to 2 times a week depending upon your hair type is good enough.
- Conditioners your hair, conditioners are used to seal the moisture of the hair missing this step could be the reason why your hair is freezy.
- Comb your hair, which improves your blood circulation.
- Do not touch your hair too often, this can transfer germs from your fingertips on to the scalp.
- Do not tie your hair too tight, it will put undue pressure on the scalp which can lead to breakage.
5. Home Remedy
- Take 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil, source of vitamin-c.
- Add 1 tablespoon of Aleo Vera gel, restore shine and volume to hair.
- 1 tablespoon of Honey, natural softener.
- And 1 tablespoon of Lemon juice, fights dandruff.
- Mix it well until it becomes a uniform paste.
- Apply it on your hair as a mask and let it be nourished the root of your hair for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Wash it off using a natural shampoo, This will repair your hair and will make them grow faster.
Now you can give yourself healthy hair for a very long period of time.
Has we can say that " Take good care of your hair because love can come back, but your hair doesn't "
Source: FitTuber
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